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Who's Teaching Your Child About Money? - by Valerie Mills

Managing money is one of the most critical skills we must master to function effectively as adults. Yet, although public schools address the subject of money using math examples, teachers just don’t have the time for individual tutoring.

So, just who is really responsible for this critical education?

PARENTS can teach their children “money” lessons as soon as they can count. Otherwise, your toddler may reach his own conclusions about where money comes from. He may decide it does not grow on trees; instead, it comes from an ATM (Automated Teller Machine).

As your kid’s primary financial coach, you’ll show your toddler, young child, teenager, or college-age “adult” child the value of managing his own money. You may find that you are such a talented teacher that your child opens her own profitable business and supports you!

What Are Ways to Teach Your Child?
Your toddler can learn to count money as soon as he can talk. Show your child a few coins and introduce simple math facts. He’ll learn the vocabulary and the facts if you make it a game. But a word of caution: discourage eating the coins!

Middle Childhood
Suppose you’re in a restaurant having breakfast, just you and your child. Give him a reward if he can estimate the total bill to the nearest dollar. Hints are allowed!

Provide your teenager with a challenge to figure out how much it costs to run the car every month. Both of you may be surprised!

Young Adult – Before your kid marches off to college, show him your credit card statement. Have him calculate the total amount if it were NOT paid for a few months.

How Do You Know If You’re Successful?
You’ll see the signs that the financial genius is developing in your child. There will be glimpses of recognition that your child understands how money works.
The real payoff comes when as young adults, they handle financial issues confidently based on prior knowledge and experience. You have successfully raised a financial genius.

Copyright 2005 by Valerie Mills

About the Author

Valerie Mills freelances as a sales copywriter/designer (

She recently published the ebook titled “Practical Ways to Develop Your Child’s Financial Intelligence” available at
Contact Valerie by email at

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