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Planning the Perfect Baby Shower - by Adriana Copaceanu

One of the most exciting events an expecting mother looks forward to is celebrating her baby shower.

Deciding to Throw a Baby Shower

Baby showers are often thrown by a friend or family member. Formal tradition dictates that someone other than a family member throws the baby shower, but this certainly does not have to be the case and many modern women go against the grain and welcome any offers from family willing to throw a party on their and baby's behalf.

Preparing Ahead of Time: The First Critical Steps

Planning and throwing a shower can be a cumbersome task if you go into in unprepared. It certainly does not have to be however, if you keep a few things in mind.

One of the most important considerations is planning where and when the baby shower will take place. The majority of baby showers are held before mom gives birth, but this is not always the case and certainly does not have to be. Some mothers are superstitious and prefer to have the baby shower after birth, to ensure the happy and healthy delivery of their newborn. Be sure if you are planning the happy event to check in with mom to be to ensure you plan it at a time that is comfortable for her.

Most showers are held in someone's home other than that of the new mom. Typically the person throwing the baby shower hosts the party at their house or at an alternate location such as a park or reception hall.

Invitation List

The next step in planning a shower is figuring out who to invite. The guest list should be the responsibility of the guest of honor. Letting mom develop the invitation list will ensure that no one gets left out.

Most parties held are women-only parties, though this trend is rapidly changing. As fathers continue to become more involved in the planning for new babies, many couples are starting to hold co-ed parties that invite couples. Be sure to check in again with the guest of honor to ensure that the theme of the party matches her preferences.

Themes and Thrills

Deciding on a theme isn't necessary, but can add fun and excitement to the party. The theme of the party for an expectant parent who is having a boy baby might be something as simple as a color, such as "green". Guests might be encouraged to bring gifts that correspond with the nursery room theme as well. Many parents for example, design baby's room with a certain theme in mind such as ducks. Guests might consider brining items that match this idea. Even the cake and decorations can be designed to incorporate a selected topic or idea.

No baby shower would be complete without incorporating a few fun games. Deciding on games doesn't require a degree in rocket science. One popular and traditional game involves having everyone get together in a circle and write down one piece of advice for the mom to be. Another one might have everyone right down one prediction for the new baby's future. These cards can be collected at the end of the party and stored in baby's memory book for review at a later date, providing a wonderful memento for mommy to be and baby.

Though it is not required, some hosts provide gag gifts for anyone participating in a game. This can be a fun way to allow mom and guests enjoy the gift giving bonanza.

One last tip to consider prior to throwing the party is finding out where an expectant mom is registered. Including this information on the invitation or having it available to give out to guests will truly help mom receive special gifts that will match her preferences for baby's first year. One of the reasons for throwing a shower is to help new parents collect much needed items for baby's first year.

About The Author

Adriana Copaceanu provides people with creative gift ideas that don't blow the bank. Gift Baskets for Baby to Birthday and Beyond, are just some gift ideas you'll find at her site: Want regular reminders on gift-giving? Sign up for her free monthly newsletter at

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