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What does that new baby really need? - by Jennifer Gove

What your baby needs and may not need.

There are so many gadget out on the market, so many cute little out fits, so many baby thing that we think we need, so many we don’t need. Simply Moms offers you a list to get you started and steer you clear of the don’t needs.


Don’t spend TONS of money on these first little out fits baby will grow really fast and many clothes they may not even get to wear!!!

Onsies about 6-8

Sleep and plays 5

3 cute out fits

Snow suit if winter

Socks about 4 pair

Blanket sleepers for cool nights about 2

Hat for winter or summer

2 Blanket sleepers for cool nights

A sweater

6-7 receiving blankets

Other stuff

2 pack packages small diapers


Baby lotion


Cotton balls

Baby nail clippers

Gentle baby soap

The big stuff

The VERY first thing you must buy is a CAR SEAT


As far a bassinet it is up to you remember baby will not use this very long.

I would suggest a good pack n play over a bassinet they often come with attachable bassinet and changing tables.

A swing great for soothing baby when you have been doing it for hours.

Also a bouncy seat is wonderful

Our list of don’t needs

Bottle warmers hot tap water run over a bottle works just as well.

Easy to hold bottles the ones with the hole in the center there are impossible to clean!!!!

A changing table…I changing mat is awesome ! used one all the time to change where ever I happened to be. Far more convenient.

Many of those tiny cute outfits. Buy a few you love for special events and pictures. Babies grow fast these out fits may only fit for a month.

There are many more needs and don’t needs. It is a personal thing for each of us. This is just a general guide.

About The Author

Jennifer is a stay at home mother of her eight child. She is also the owner of .If you have enjoyed this article please feel free to cheak out our site for other great resources. -Forums, Chat, due date calculator , baby name finder and much more!!!

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