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What to Look For When Choosing Baby Furniture - by Gary Hendricks

If you're a new parent, be aware that you baby will probably spend more time in the nursery than anywhere else. So you do need to make it absolutely safe and comfortable. Make it attractive and well organized too.

To get started, decide which furniture you need. These include: cribs, crib mattresses, bassinets, cradles, Moses baskets and changing tables.


Your child will sleep in a crib until it's time to move into a real bed (typically between the ages of 2 and 3). So choose sturdy crib that you can use every day for at least two years. New cribs sold in the United States (including all cribs sold in our Store) comply with modern safety standards. The crib should have a railing that lowers, so you can pick up your baby easily; some models have railings that lower on both sides. You'll spend $200 to $400 for a safe, well-made crib. Spending more usually buys you finer woods and more intricate designs.

Crib Mattresses

To sleep soundly and safely, babies require firm support. Consider cost, comfort, and sturdiness, as your child will probably sleep in his crib for up to three years. The first choice you'll have to make is between a foam mattress and an innerspring mattress. Be prepared to pay $60 to $100 for a foam crib mattress, and up to $140 for an innerspring crib mattress.

Bassinets, Cradles and Moses Baskets

A bassinet, cradle, or Moses basket can be a convenient and comfortable sleeping place for your baby during the first few months. Your baby may feel more at ease in the smaller, cozier space than in a crib. Plus you can carry these small portable baby beds from room to room, letting you keep a close watch on your sleeping baby. Your bassinet should have a firm mattress that fits snugly without any space around the edges.

Changing Tables

To change baby's diapers conveniently, you'll definitely need a comfortable place to do it. A changing table is most suitable for this. If you decide to invest in a changing table, there are plenty of well-designed, practical, and attractive ones to choose from. And as your baby grows, a special table can offer more security, with railings and special straps to help hold your wriggling child in place. Make sure there are safety straps to help secure your baby. If your changing table doesn't have safety straps, you should add them.

Shopping for baby furniture can be challenging. With this guide, hopefully your task is now a little simpler!

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Need Some Advice on Parenting and Baby Care? Gary Hendricks has compiled the best articles on parenting, baby care and baby products =>;

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Quotes About Babies...

Women know the way to rear up children (to be just). They know a simple, merry, tender knack of tying sashes, fitting baby-shoes, and stringing pretty words that make no sense. And kissing full sense into empty words.- Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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