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Babies Born during The Sign Of Gemini - by Tony Luck

Your Gemini Baby..

May 21 - June 20

Gemini children are lively youngsters who can seem to be everywhere at once! They can be precocious and are often chatterboxes. Your Gemini baby will love to explore and needs plenty of space to do so. In fact, a Gemini baby may become irritable if cooped up. Geminis are friendly and bright and alert. A young Gemini will enjoy playing with toys that involve using his hands and fingers and some Geminis may be ambidextrous.

Gemini children have lively imaginations and often live in a world where reality and imagination are mixed together. They are very inquisitive and will want to explore anything that takes their interest. Young Geminis will be interested in a wide variety of sports and will want to be friends with other children of both sexes.

When raising a Gemini you should ensure that he has the freedom to explore and investigate. Geminis need to be free to follow several interests at once and to be able to change direction. You will need to teach your child to distinguish between illusion and reality, encouraging him to tell the truth. Geminis are naturally honest but may avoid telling the truth as a defence against being misunderstood.

Young Geminis enjoy learning to communicate and can easily become bilingual if spoken to in different languages from an early age.

Typical Geminis may suffer from chest problems: coughs, colds and brochitis. They make little of any illness however, and dislike being confined to bed.

Author: Tony Luck who runs a website about raising babies.

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