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Listen My Children And You Will Hear. - by Ryan Kelly

All Non-Christians, Liberals, Secularists, and even Christians that do not identify themselves as Fundamentalists, numbering in the millions, are the targets of an abhorrent and immoral conservative Christian movement. Many conservative Christians like to disassociate themselves from this movement by pointing their judgmental fingers at known religious zealots such as Falwell, Robertson, and Dobson, who are in reality their mouthpieces. Anyone that has experienced the zeal of a "born again" Christian immediately understands how committed they are in spreading the word. Unfortunately, the words they spread are often misguided theology and untruths spewed out by overzealous fundamentalist.

The United States is gradually dividing into two sub-cultures: secularism and conservative Christianity. These divisions hold great dangers, because religions tend to be based on an oral or written belief system that is accepted on faith by its believers. Because of the origins of religion and the way in which they are structured, followers of different religions hold conflicting, irresolvable beliefs concerning deity, humanity, and the rest of the universe. These beliefs cannot readily be harmonized. Conflicts, hate murders, and genocides are the logical result.

I'm concerned that the secular side is ill prepared for the battle that has begun, and even worst, that many of them can't even conceptualize that there is a battle being waged. If I might reminisce Paul Revere for a moment, one if by government, two if by religion, and three if by a conspiracy of both. I'm wagering my money on three. In common-law fashion, the church and state, infatuated by each other's power and wealth, court one another in a manner that is inherently destructive to the natural order of our free society. We now have government-sponsored religion. One can only demand that this faith-based initiative be challenged in the court soon. I cringe every time I think of taxpayers' dollars going to support the Christians' prostelizing agendas.

Forcing their morality and religious convictions on a society based on the "freedom of religion," they use all tactics to destroy harmony in this great nation. Falwell, in his blasphemous tirade said, "The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen'." Any true liberal that believes in the American Dream, with liberty and freedom for all, know that those are fighting words.

When Chief Justice Moore's opinion describes the lives of gay and lesbian people as "abhorrent," "immoral," "detestable," an "inherent evil," and "an intolerable evil." He condemns homosexuality as "so heinous that it defies one's ability to describe it." Relying on ancient sources of criminal law, rather than current knowledge about lesbian and gay parents and their children, he emphasizes that, in his mind, any person in a lesbian or gay relationship is unfit to have custody. That unyielding position is contrary to the Canons of law and shows Chief Justice Moore's disregard for the requirements of his judicial office. Have the liberals demanded he step down?

We have reached the precipuce in the matter of the separation of church and state. The enemy is gearing up for the largest assault against the rights of our countrymen. We must take action immediately. Only by building the political power of liberal Democrats will we be able to stop the conservatives from achieving their dangerous vision for the country and the world! We must also embolden liberal Democrats to fight against the conservative tide in Washington, DC and state legislatures throughout the country. Don't get the mistaken idea that the opposition is decent, honest and conservative, that simply isn't the case. Like a faith in rationality, they move forward in blind pursuit of wealth and power.

About the Author

Ryan Kelly is a writer, eBook publisher, and a liberal activist who is involved in using the Internet to bring about change in our society. After the re-election of George Bush, he established a grassroots alliance for liberals. The Equality Alliance Mission (T.E.A.M.) can be found at Internet URL

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