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Detecting Children's Learning Disabilities - by David Fitzgerald

The most common learning disability is reading and language skills. Learning disabilities are not something that child will outgrow or is cured. But once recognized and focused on, the child can succeed in learning.

Well-meaning relatives and pediatricians sometimes offer assurances that an infant or toddler or pre-schooler with a delay is a “late-bloomer” that will catch up and advise parents to “just wait.” Yes, all children develop at varying rates, but a parent often knows when their child is truly not developing in a typical way. Trust your instincts as a parent: Waiting is not a good idea!
Most children struggle during some part of their school years. This is common and some help over the hard spots will remedy this problem. But if you detect your child has continues problems with reading, writing and math, he or she may have a learning disability.
Often children with learning disabilities have symptoms. These symptoms do not disappear, as the child grows older. Detecting them is the key to a successful approach to helping your child.

Early intervention with a child who is behind in language, social, cognitive, fine motor or gross motor development can make a world of difference! There are many strategies you can use to help a child make the most of their learning abilities in early childhood. Almost all children with learning disabilities, which result in reading difficulties, can learn to read when intervention strategies start at age four or five.
Here are some of the most frequent symptoms that are observed:
·Difficulty following directions
·Short attention span
·Poor memory
·Poor reading and/or writing
·Can’t discriminate between letters, numbers or sounds
·Difficulty with sequencing
·Problems with coordination
What can you do as a parent? You can research on the Internet. You can start with our site: Go to your local library for research. Your local school can also help. Have your child take the free screening test (hearing & vision) that their school offers. Many school have created special teams to solve these kinds of problems. Check with your school and see what they offer in the area of learning disables.
Also, if you suspect your young child has a learning problem, you may want to talk to a speech-language pathologist, or have your child evaluated by a learning disabilities specialist or child psychologist. There are many assessment techniques that can be used with preschoolers. There are many professionals working with young children who can provide appropriate evaluations.
It is important to remember that the population of children with learning disabilities is heterogeneous. The children are similar because they all have adequate hearing, vision, mental ability, and much strength, but their specific disabilities and symptoms differ.
Identification is primary. What is the real problem? Once the problem has been identified, you can establish a program that will best resolve the problem, and create an environment for the child to have a happy and more fulfilling life.

You will find more information on learning disabilities here:
The author does not endorse any particular education plan or course of treatment for any child. He encourage parents to consult with educators and other professionals who know the child before determining whether the child has a learning disability and if so how it should be addressed.

*Source and excerpts from Learning Disabilities Association of America

About the Author

David Fitzgerald is the owner of and develops sources on topics his customers have noted concerns.

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