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Kegel Exercise for a Healthy Pregnancy - by Alli Ross

With Kegal exercise, your pregnancy can be more comfortable before, during, and after your baby is born. With the proper kegal exercise, you can strengthen the vaginal muscles and allow for smoother pregnancy. Kegal exercises strengthen your pelvic muscles, which become weakened during childbirth. This could lead to bladder control problems.

To find the correct muscles to target, pretend that you are trying to stop urinating. Squeeze those muscles for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat this every few seconds. It's as simple as that. Nobody even has to know that you're doing them. Just make sure you breathe while doing the kegal exercises.

It's important that you don't overdo your kegel exercise in the first few weeks after birth. Otherwise, you may become very sore. Three sets of ten repetitions per day is probably ideal.

So, What are some other healthy exercises that can be performed during pregnancy? Some of
the best ones are listed below.

Swimming: Many doctors and fitness professionals profess that swimming is the safest exercise for pregnant women. Swimming keeps your body tone without stressing your joints. This is a safe cardiovascular exercise that can help keep you toned throughout your pregnancy.

Walking: Walking is one of the best exercises overall and especially if you are pregnant. It's safe for your body and it can keep you in great shape. Be sure to stretch thoroughly before hand. Set attainable goals and always wear good shoes.

Yoga: Yoga has a reputation for relieving the stress and pressure in your body. Most forms of yoga are safe when you are pregnant as long as you avoid the more rigorous ones. Some Yoga instructors even offer special classes for pregnant women. While doing yoga, avoid lying flat on your back and try not to over stretch.

With proper kegal exercise and safe cardiovascular workouts, you are well on your way to a healthy pregnancy.

About the Author

GranMamma is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box - - Where you can explore thousands of unique and unusual baby names. Read articles on parenting, family, home and gardening. Be sure to say hi to GranMamma!

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