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End Babysitter Abuse - by Robert Nelson

Not many things are more upsetting than discovering that your child has been abused, in any way, by your babysitter. People think that to be a babysitter means you must be a nice person. WRONG! Some of the nicest people turned out to be Serial Killers, so don't ever give a Babysitter the benefit of the doubt.

You should always ask for references. Check out the references. Make phone calls to see if the reference sounds credible, or is it a friend of the babysitter. Don't laugh, it is easy to have a fake reference. It happens, don't let it happen to you.

An Interview is in order before actually hiring anyone for anything. See how your child feels with the new babysitter. Does he or she feel comfortable? Are they talkative? Shy? Afraid? Kids have a good "Gut" level of feeling comfortable or afraid of people. Don't ever "force" a babysitter on your child. A good general conversation will bring out much in a potential babysitter.

Make sure they will not smoke in your house, nor use your phone for personal calls. Also, make it clear that they are not expected to be on their cell phone all night long. They are there to watch your child, not to entertain guests.

Well, what if you suspect that something negative is going on? Does your child freak-out when you talk about having this Babysitter come back? Has your child gone through a Personality Change since being with a certain Babysitter? Has your child 's eating habits changed? Is there a weight change? Any new Bruises that resemble being grabbed and/or squeezed? Nightmares?

Ever hear of a "Nanny Cam"? There has been alot of media coverage lately showing how a Hidden Camera helped expose Abusive Babysitters. This is the best way to catch a person in the act, and have taped evidence to insure a conviction. You can buy either a Wired Hidden Camera, or a Wireless Hidden Camera. Either one will work fine, but it depends on your situation. Some Hidden Camera Items would be expected to have a cord hanging from them, making it easy to place anywhere.

This would include items like Hidden Table Clock Cameras, or Hidden Caneras in a VCR, or a Lamp. The Wall Clock Hidden Camera is a very good choice.

A Wireless Camera can often be placed in a better viewing point because it is wireless. Keep in mind that even a Wireless Camera must have a power supply. This power supply takes the form of either a "battery" or a plug in power adaptor. The thin wire from the power adaptor is easy to conceal, and it will give constant power. A battery usually only lasts about 4-5 hours, and the picture degrades quickly.

The Wireless/Wired Hidden Clock Color Camera offers the best of both worlds. It houses a high resolutiuon lens, and a Transmitter. It can also be used direct wired. This type of Hidden Camera can be placed high, and out of the reach of prying eyes. Also, the Wireless Calculator Hidden Color Camera is also an excellent device.

These devices are not expensive, and could save a childs life.

Robert Nelson is a staff writer at Spy Supply Depot, the largest Spy Supply Website on the Internet. All kinds of Hidden Cameras are shown. Feel free to visit their website:

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