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Baby Nursery Furniture - by Anita Frogel

You are expecting your first baby and are wondering what type of nursery furniture you will need to make your life easier and your little one comfortable. You will find that there are an array of cribs in all types of designs, styles and colors to fit with any décor you choose for your nursery.

The main nursery furniture items you will need include a crib, changing table, a chest or dresser, and a rocking chair. These are the basics.

Finding the right nursery furniture will be fun and exciting. You just need to know how to shop for furniture that will be right for you. When looking for a crib, you will want one that you will be able to place a sleeping baby in without needing to hassle with the sides of the crib. You will want a firm mattress and adjustable mattress heights for when your baby gets older and may try to crawl out of the crib. Look for durability. How easy does the crib shake? You want your crib to last at least until your new little one is ready for a toddler bed. As he gets older he will stand and shaking the crib and trying his best to learn to climb out of it.

You may decide on a 3 n 1 crib for your nursery furniture choice. These are very unique cribs that can be converted from a crib into a toddler bed and then into a day bed or full size bed. These cribs are designed to last. Conversion is usually pretty simple and the hardware and all needed parts are included for each bed when you purchase the crib.

The changing table is one furniture item you are sure to enjoy in the line of nursery furniture. It is great to place your infant on a comfortable table with all the necessary items close at hand. Most changing tables have shelves under where you can keep everything you need for changing your little one. I prefer stationary changing tables, not one with wheels unless you can lock them in place.

You will be able to find matching dressers or chests in the nursery furniture line for holding all the new baby clothing that you received during your baby shower. The chest should have enough drawers for fitting all the babies clothing and accessories nicely. Check for easy glide and for durability. Baby clothing can usually snare very easily and if the drawers inside are rough you can snag the outfit causing them to look tattered.

What nursery would be complete without a rocking chair? The rocking chair is a wonderful experience for both you and your baby. You will be able to sit and enjoy reading to, cuddling up and just holding your new baby will rock away the time. Choose one that is comfortable for you.

About the Author

Anita is author of Baby
Product and Nursery Furniture Guide

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