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TEA for TWO, For BABY and YOU! - by Ansie Earle

Baby Rooibos Tea is naturally good for your baby. It is an anti-allergic nutritional supplementary drink and is suitable for babies from birth. It can help relieve the following conditions:

Food Allergies
Stomach Cramps

Rooibos Tea has been a trusted solution for the above conditions for the last three decades amongst South African mothers and more recently, mothers worldwide.

Rooibos Tea contains the soothing and relaxing flavonoid quercetin with anti-spasmodic properties and luteolin an anti-inflammatory antioxidant. Rooibos tea has a dramatic calming and soothing effect when added to allergic babies’ bottles and promotes good sleeping patterns. Furthermore, Rooibos has anti-allergic properties because it contains the unique flavonoid aspalathin, which only occurs in the Rooibos plant.

Scientists have found that Rooibos Tea has the following properties:

? Anti-allergic
? Anti-bacterial
? Anti-ageing
? Anti-spasmodic
? Anti-viral
? Anti-oxidant
? No caffeine
? Low tannin
? Rich in Minerals
? Anti-carcinogenic

Rooibos Baby Tea contains all the essential minerals and trace elements needed to give your baby the best start in life. Replace juice or water with Baby tea for a nutritional supplementary drink, you can even use Baby tea instead of water, when mixing baby’s normal bottle-feed. The Tea does not replace baby’s normal bottle or breastfeeding, but is a Nutritional, Anti-Allergic, Calming Supplementary drink. Because Rooibos Tea is low in tannin, it will not deplete baby’s own natural iron reserves. Even better, no sweeteners are necessary. The Tea has a naturally sweet and fruity taste. The tea goes through strict pasteurisation and sterilisation processes to ensure it is up to baby’s standards!

Favoured by families worldwide, Rooibos Tea is highly regarded for its unique health benefits and has powerful rejuvenating and antioxidant properties.

Anti-oxidants help to reverse and prevent free radical damage to our bodies. The Rooibos plant contains a number of different flavonoids, which help to neutralise the effect of these free radicals. In combination with the tea’s naturally high Vitamin C content (1,5mg/ml), they act as anti-oxidant compounds to protect your family against diseases like cancer.

The Japanese, who have studied Rooibos Tea extensively, and in particular its anti-ageing qualities, actually call Rooibos tea “Long Life Tea”.

In 1968, Dr Annique Theron made the amazing discovery that Rooibos Tea not only alleviates allergies internally, but also externally. The Tea had such a calming and soothing effect on her own allergic baby daughter that she felt she wanted to share it with mothers all over the world. At that time, there was hardly any information available on the natural therapeutic properties of Rooibos Tea and Dr Theron set out to find out as much as she could about this remarkable plant through her own investigations. She strived to gain all the knowledge she could and to utilise the full potential of the plant’s unique properties.

Dr Theron published a book: Allergies: an Amazing Discovery on the anti-allergic qualities of the Rooibos Plant.

Dr Theron received International Acclaim from the World Intellectual Property Organisation in 1997 and received the Woman Inventor of the Year Award for her discovery of the beneficial properties of the Rooibos Plant, Aspalathus linearis and for the application of her Patented Rooibos Extract in skin-and healthcare products.

Rooibos Tea is a healthy and nutritious drink for the whole family, from Baby to Grandma and Grandpa.

Buy Baby Rooibos Tea and other Annique Rooibos Products online at

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