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Review of "Biscuit Storybook Collection" - by Sherri Allen

Review of "Biscuit Storybook Collection"
by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, illustrated by Pat Schories

Harper Festival, January 2005
Hardcover, 192 pages
ISBN: 0060759046
Recommended Ages: Baby - Preschool

Review by Sherri Allen:

How can children's book publisher HarperCollins improve Alyssa Satin Capucilli's Biscuit series? By offering 10 of Biscuit's most endearing stories in one book. That's exactly what they've done with the "Biscuit Storybook Collection."

Biscuit is a sweet-faced puppy you want to grab right out of the pages and cuddle. He and the little girl share the simple joys of childhood, like getting ready for bed and having a picnic. They share the excitement of adventures like being in a pet show and having a birthday party. They share the ability to take things that don't turn out quite right and make them wonderful.

The "Biscuit Storybook Collection" is the perfect book to introduce a child to the joys of reading.
The large typeface, simple words and repetition make the stories easy to read. The sweet plots and the delightful illustrations by Pat Schories make the stories a joy to read. The pictures are very gentle, with soft lines and colors, but are full of expression and activity. They are very effective at creating interest and encouraging the beginning reader to keep going to find out what happens next.

The stories included in the "Biscuit Storybook Collection" are:
Biscuit Wins a Prize
Biscuit's New Trick
Happy Birthday, Biscuit!
Biscuit's Picnic
Biscuit's Day at the Beach
Time to Paint Biscuit!
Biscuit Meets the Neighbors
Biscuit Goes to the Park
Biscuit and the Bunny

The "Biscuit Storybook Collection" is a must-have for your child's library. At my 3-year old's insistence, we have read stories from the "Biscuit Storybook Collection" every day since we got the book (2 months ago.) She doesn't show any signs of losing interest in the "Biscuit Storybook Collection" anytime soon, and I must add, neither do I. It's a very pleasant surprise to find a book that I not only don't mind reading over and over, I actually enjoy and look forward to reading over and over. The price is right, too. The "Biscuit Storybook Collection," complete with 10 different stories, doesn't cost any more than the price of a single book. I encourage you to buy this book today!

About the Author

Sherri Allen is the editor of an award-winning website devoted to topics such as family, food, garden, house&home; and money. For free articles, information, tips, recipes, reviews and coloring pages, visit

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