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How Can I Teach My Toddler to Share? - by Gary Hendricks

Helping your child move from breast breast milk or formula to solids is a milestone for both you and your baby. However, it can be challenging for some parents. Here are some tips and tricks I've compiled for introducing solid foods to your baby. Do remember, however, that you should follow your pediatrician's advice if you're in doubt.

Start with fruits One tip I've heard from various is to start with fruits. Use really ripe bananas, mashed with a fork. Or sweet potatoes (baked, with the insides scooped out).

Use a baby food grinder You can try small bits of real rice, mixed with meats (without seasonings). The meat should be meshed with baby food grinder (you can find these pretty cheap).

Don't feed your baby directly from the jar This is an interesting tip I've heard from experienced mothers. Feeding your baby directly from the jar is not a good idea. Their saliva can mix with the food and make it taste bad. Put the food in a mug rather than a bowl so that you can feed baby more easily.

Keep away the sweet tooth Try not to give baby sweet stuff at this stage. Deliberately give them vegetables before fruits to keep away that sweet tooth.

Wait for the first tooth It is a good idea to wait until your baby gets his / her first tooth before even thinking of starting solids. One baby (I heard) got his first tooth at 5 months and began showing interest in what his father was eating shortly thereafter. At about 6 months, he was reaching for his parents' food.

Starting your baby on solids need not be a difficult task. Hopefully the above tips will help you somewhat when that time arrives for your baby.

About The Author

Gary Hendricks is the editor of, a hobby website offering articles on parenting, baby care and baby products.

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