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Baby Name Trends: From Classic to Hip - by Alli Ross

Goodbye Bertha, Hello Kaitlyn! The top baby names of today break with tradition and follow-up on new trends. Because choosing the perfect name can be a daunting task, many informative web sites have been launched with parents in mind.

A name is central to a child's earliest sense of identity. It's often the first word he or she learns to read and write. Naming trends of today are defined by celebrities, literary classics, and even name brands. Look no further than your favorite book, car, or brand for baby name ideas. Names like "Armani", "Del Monte", "Infiniti", "Celica", "Chevy", and "Lexus" are increasing in popularity.

Unisex names are another trend that is gaining steam. Parents are using names such as Jordan, Madison, Devon, Bailey, Parker, and Logan on boys and girls. However, when naming a baby, parents must consider if it invites potential teasing. Boys are often targeted more heavily than girls.

Want to add a twist to your baby's name? Another naming trend includes spelling classical names untraditionally. There are usually at least five different ways to spell any name. This way, you can add variety to a classical favorite.

You could also use a name inspired by nature. Examples for boys include Ashton, Avery, Birch, Bradley, Grant, Holden, Landon, Logan, or Wesley. For girls you could use Beverly, Brooke, Erica, Hayley, Lauren, Lillian, or Olivia.

Want a crafty name? Bailey, Baker, Carter, Cooper, Foster, Mason, Porter, and Turner may be more your style. However, you can’t go wrong with the following chart-topping baby names, whether you prefer the 1900's or the 1990's.

Names of the 1900's:

Boys: John, William, James, Charles and Robert

Girls: Mary, Helen, Elizabeth, Marie, and Alice

Names of the 1990's:

Boys: Michael, Christopher, Joshua, Jacob, Andrew, David, and Tyler

Girls: Ahley, Emily, Sarah, Amanda, Taylor, Megan, Kayla, and Nicole

Best of luck!

GranMamma is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box - - Where you can explore over 6,000 baby names and their meanings. Read articles on parenting, family, home and gardening. Be sure to say hi to GranMamma!

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