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10 Baby Essentials Every New Parent Needs - by Jennifer Kirkpatrick

Along with a new baby comes a lot of baby stuff! If you’re expecting, you’ve most likely already been given lots of opinions on the baby gear you’ll need.

To help you sort through all the baby products available, we asked fellow moms for a list of the items they couldn't live without. Here's their top 10 list:

1. Burp Cloths: Burp cloths are the perfect size for throwing over your shoulder to avoid mishaps. And there will be lots of mishaps! If you’re on a budget cloth diapers can be used as a substitute.

2. A Nursing Necklace: Most moms don’t think of nursing necklaces until baby is pinching and pulling during feeding. If you plan to breastfeed get baby in the habit of reaching for the necklace from the beginning. They’ll love the feel of it in their little hands, and you’ll love that feeding times are pain free.

3. All Natural Bath and Skincare Products: Babies skin is very delicate. Be sure to choose all natural bath and skincare products that soothe and protect them. Keep lots of different creams and lotions on hand so when diaper rashes, dry skin and cradle cap appear you’ll be ready.

4. A Mobile: Including a mobile over baby's crib can lull them to sleep with soft music or stimulate them when they're feeling playful! With so many designs available it’s easy to find one that co-ordinates with any nursery décor.

5. Baby Music: Music created especially for babies helps develop their sense of hearing, concentration and even speech. Watch baby come alive when you put on a CD created especially for them.

6. The Perfect Diaper Bag: Moms (and dads!) need a diaper bag that's roomy, resilient and good looking so you don’t mind carrying it with you. Nowadays there are so many stylish designs and fabrics that you can’t even tell they’re diaper bags!

7. A Special Blanket: Babies love the warmth and security of their own blanket. Choose one that is small enough that they can carry it around as a toddler.

8. A Baby Journal: Don't miss recording the special moments as baby grows in the perfect Baby Journal. Baby will also enjoy having a one of a kind keepsake when they're grown.

9. Soft Cotton Onesies: You can never have too many onesies. They're perfect as undershirts or outshirts. Choose good quality ones that will get softer every time they're washed and baby will always be comfortable.

10. A Sleep Sack: Sleep sacks have been popular with European parents for a long time because they minimize the risk of baby suffocating. The ultimate solution for keeping babies safe and warm at night and during naptime, they provide a safe alternative to sheets, blankets, and comforters.

There you have it, the top 10 “must haves” for new parents. Time to get shopping!

Keywords: babies,baby products,advice for parents,advice for moms

About the Author
Jennifer Kirkpatrick,
Jennifer Kirkpatrick is the owner of the online baby store, Pipsqueak Boutique. From clothing to nursery decor you're guaranteed to find something that will make baby giggle!

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