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Breastfeeding for Beginners - Caroline Deacon

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This NCT handbook will provide you with all you need to begin to breastfeed and continue successfully.

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Quotes About Babies...

"Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant; food as necessary as minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Deprived of this food, the name of which is love, Babies would rather die. And often they do." - Frederick Leboyer

Informative articles:

  • Potty Training At Daycare and Preschool - With 61% of children between the ages of birth and 6 years in daycare, it's important that parents work closely with their child's care provider while potty training. When you child is ready for potty training, the right potty training guidance and supplies can make all the difference.

  • Prepare Your Child For Potty Training - When your child shows a majority of the signs of potty training readiness, you can start introducing him to the idea of using the potty. Potty Training Books, Videos, & DVDs - Potty training books, videos, and DVDs provide a great opportunity to introduce your child to the idea of using the potty. 

  • Potty Training Techniques That Don't Work - Your attitude and actions have a huge impact on your child's potty training success. The following potty training techniques don't work and should never be done: Punishing your child for accidents Making your child wear soiled diapers or underwear Making your child sit on the potty for more than 5 to 10 minutes at a time.

  • 7 Stages of Potty Training - There are seven stages of potty training. They begin with showing signs of potty training readiness and conclude with being able to use the toilet away from home. Signs of Readiness - The first stage of potty training begins when your child shows the following signs of potty training readiness.

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